Since 1981 we've created:
7 affordable housing properties
20 affordable apartments
36 emergency shelter beds
Each year we serve approximately:
350 people
231 adults
120 children
Our staff:
Are trained in Trauma-Informed Care and recognize that everyone we serve has a history of trauma.
Understand that without housing, healing can't happen.
Work to engage residents in fulfilling their goals.
Our annual goals include:
150 people receive shelter, housing, and services.
20 families with small children who are homeless receive emergency shelter.
10 households move into stable, long-term housing within six months of entering shelter.
An additional 200 people receive services (food, transportation, referral to substance use and mental health disorder services, housing navigation, and housing retention).
90% of program participants complete an Individual Service Plan (ISP) within one month of entering shelter.
75% of those stably housed remain housed after twelve months.
John Graham (1920 – 1980) was at the forefront of the movement to increase the self-sufficiency of Vermonters and strengthen Vermont communities. When the Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity was established in 1965, Graham devoted the rest of his life to advocating for the people of Addison County.
He started the first Emergency Food Shelf in Vermont and created the Addison County Community Action Group (ACCAG) in 1965, now known as Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects (HOPE).
Graham pioneered the idea of developing a system of preventative welfare services. “Prevention is the key,” he would often say, “The systems put on too many band-aids.”
Graham also created many other organizations in Addison County for dental services, human services, housing support, and more. He put together the first Project Love, a movement his friend Rev. John Nutting made into a statewide effort to reorganize society around the concept of love.
As Cheryl Pratt Rivers, the Acting Addison County Developer at the time of his death, wrote, “John loved people with a vigor that was inspiring to those of us who knew him. He referred to the people as ‘our people,’ and they loved and trusted him in return…He fought the bureaucratic systems on their behalf, [and] he was an advocate of the poor in the true sense of the word.”
John Graham Housing & Services was established in 1981 in Graham’s memory and continues his legacy of service today.
Laura Childers
Finance Director
Laurie brings a strong commitment to the Addison County community as well as extensive experience in financial systems and internal controls. In addition to longstanding participation as a board member for local school boards and the Vermont School Boards Association, Laurie has worked as a financial manager for Democracy for America and Grow Compost of Vermont.
“Systems are key to producing consistent, accurate, complete information to ensure grant compliance and financial information reporting for the board and management,” Laurie says. “I am here to support and supplement the good work that has been going on at John Graham Housing and Services for forty-plus years.”
Jess Horner, LICSW
Program Director
Jess is dedicated to the counseling and development of adults and youth. She maintains an ongoing counseling practice at JGHS and has expertise in a variety of areas important to our organization, including new American/refugee issues, mental health, trauma, LGBTQ issues, eating disorders, substance use and other biopsychosocial issues. Prior to her arrival at JGHS, Jess worked as a psychiatric social worker at Bellevue Hospital in New York City and as a LICSW at Networks in Burlington.
“Jess has an amazing array of tools in her toolkit,” says Susan Whitmore, JGHS Executive Director. “She has the ability to monitor documentation and substantial caseloads while bringing mindfulness and creativity to her work with both our staff and residents.”
Sophie Pickens
Director of Quality Assurance
Sophie Pickens worked for five years as a service coordinator for JGHS before transitioning to director of quality assurance. Sophie develops outcomes measurement strategies and manages Community CareLink (CCL), JGHS’s new data collection and client management system. CCL is a nationally certified electronic health record system specifically designed for behavioral health.
"This software will help John Graham to standardize intake, screening and client care, and to streamline grant reporting and quality control,” says Sophie. “The outcomes measurements are the most exciting as they will hold us accountable and teach us how to better support the folks we serve”.
Susan Whitmore
Executive Director
As the executive director, Susan is responsible for acting as a catalyst for affordable housing development, including strengthening existing relationships, and forming new partnerships. Susan also oversees communication with the JGHS board of directors. Prior to accepting the position at JGHS, Susan was the President & CEO at First Call, a large non-profit drug and alcohol prevention and recovery agency in Kansas City, Missouri. Throughout her tenure at First Call, Susan was responsible for the significant growth and success of this critical community resource. Susan brings extensive experience in fundraising, philanthropy, behavioral health, and non-profit management, all of which will build upon and enhance JGHS's success in serving individuals and families needing safe, affordable housing and related services.
Susan has chosen to relocate to Vermont from the Kansas City area to be closer to her family in northern Vermont. “I am extremely delighted to be here,” says Susan. “It’s an honor to participate in such a vibrant collective of housing and support agencies working together to end homelessness in Vermont.”
Phiona Atuhaire
Board Member
Committee(s): Governance
Affiliation: University of Vermont
Member since: 2024
Elise Blair, LCSW
Vice Chair
Executive, Outcomes
Affiliation: Washington Center for Psychoanalysis, Pres., Ret.
Member Since: 2015
Hender Dye
Board Member
Affiliation: ReSOURCE Burlington
Member since: 2023
Fritz Langrock
Board Member
Committee(s): Governance
Affiliation: Langrock Sperry
& Wool, LLP
Member since: 2018
Will Vasiliou
Board Member
Committee(s): Finance
Affiliation: Langrock Sperry
& Wool, LLP
Member since: 2020
Sean Dye
Committee(s): Governance
Affiliation: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Vermont Realty Group
Member since: 2019
Nancy Larrow
Board Member
Committee(s): Finance
Affiliation: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Member since: 2019
Ashley Cadwell
Committee(s): Executive,
Affiliation: Cadwell Collaborative, LLC
Member since: 2015
Alicia Grangent
Board Member
Committee(s): Outcomes
Affiliation: Boys and Girls Club
of Greater Vergennes
Member since: 2022
May Morris
Committee(s): Executive
Affiliation: Middlebury Union
High School, ret.
Member since: 2019
Michael Castillo
Board Member
Committee(s): Finance
Affiliation: Landmark Financial Services
Member since: 2023
Thomas Hark
Board Member
Committee(s): Finance
Affiliation: Civilian Conservation Corps, USA
Member since: 2024
Chris Schembry
Board Member
Committee(s): Outcomes
Affiliation: Dept of Children & Family Services, State of VT
Member since: 2020
Local affordable housing eyed for $5M in repairs | Addison County Independent
Whitmore named director of John Graham | Addison County Independent
Local shelters fill up as temperatures dip | Addison County Independent
In the Mad Dash for Rapid COVID-19 Tests, Unhoused Vermonters Have Been Left Behind | Seven Days
Summer 2023: DOWNLOAD HERE
Spring 2023: DOWNLOAD HERE
Winter 2023: DOWNLOAD HERE
Summer 2022: DOWNLOAD HERE
Annual Appeal 2024: DOWNLOAD HERE
Annual Appeal 2023: DOWNLOAD HERE
Spring 2023: DOWNLOAD HERE
Annual Report 2023: DOWNLOAD HERE
Annual Report 2024: DOWNLOAD HERE
JGHS Welcomes New Board Members
JGHS Financials
Form 990 for Fiscal Year 2022: DOWNLOAD HERE